Here is my daily update on my recovery from Covid.
There is no way to create "spoiler"-type text in these posts. Therefore, let me issue a warning right now that this entry will get into "Too Much Information" territory. However, I want to continue to stress that a Covid infection is not without it's hazards and if illustrating all such hazards causes people in order to shift to healthier habits, then writing about such things will have served it's purpose.
Let's talk about bowel movements.
When your eating schedule goes out the window, so too does your bowel movement schedule as well.
From Friday afternoon until this morning, I hadn't had a bowel movement. That, by itself, didn't particularly concern me. When you're only eating 40-50% of your normal caloric intake (and doing no exercising as well ALONG WITH BEING SICK WITH COVID), I fully expected that schedule to vanish.
When it did re-emerge, the best that I could describe it in euphemistic terms is "semi-explosive semi-diarrhea." Under normal circumstances, I would've been concerned. However, if anything, I was pleased that the plumbing still worked at all.
Writing about plumbing, I have been amazed at how little that I have been urinating. This despite the fact that I feel as though I've drank a gallon of water within the last 24 hours in a consistent series of tiny little sips. Again, I'm not too bothered by such things as I'm afflicted with Covid and who knows what machinations are occurring that is leading my body to pass up relieving itself despite the water intake. And, to be certain, I know the hazards about drinking too much water.
My throat is constantly irritated to the point where I have rediscovered the joys of cough medicine. The mere act of swallowing is irritable except for about the first two hours after taking the cough medicine. I am definitely going to adjust my routine to include more if for this evening.
Sleeping remains a concern. I'm not certain how much sleep I've gotten from Friday afternoon onward but I highly doubt that it has been enough. I do not feel tired, though, so that's a positive.
Meals continue to be light but growing in size. I'm not forcing myself to finish anything but my appetite continues to be indifferent. Lunches are closest to a normal size and those are eaten without difficulty.
I continue to force myself to walk and move about. Mornings are the worst but I quickly improve. Can I lightly jog? Only if absolutely forced and only for a few moments. Otherwise, I am shuffling about at maybe half my normal walking speed (and even that might be a generous assessment). At least I'm walking, though.
Christmas plans have been called off; There's simply no point in holding festivities when the family is in various stages of recovery. With all due respect with the religious aspect of Christmas, it is best to celebrate when there's something more local and measurable to celebrate.
I understand if you are different. If anything, I would be glad if you were infected and
not dealing with the symptoms that I have been experiencing. What I am experiencing may be "mild" as compared to being hooked to a ventilator but it is not "mild" when compared to a normal, daily routine.
I hope that these posts are encouraging people to re-double their efforts in preventing Covid.
I look forward to the day when I don't have to make these posts. Until then, stay as safe as you can.