I like Steve's viewpoints,
Yes, There's so much more that could be done.
I'd like to comment, To me, its so ironic that while the the 9/11 events of terrorism forever changed the way airports handle security, four and a half years straight of an insidious mutating virus has done very little to change any policies or practices at medical institutes. Insofar as masks go, the practice amongst medical teams vary and change as often as the seasons (while there seems to be a new variant on the rise every season or two). Not to belittle how many lives were lost during 9/11, we are still losing lives to covid and I expect doctors and those in the medical field to lead the way and take every measure of protection available to accommodate the the type of people that seek medical help. It seems preposterous to me that the very thing that prevents diseases such as masks, antiseptic cleaning of all surfaces in front of patients, etc. might be lacking considering the nature of the work at hand.I'm sure there are some medical institutes out there taking every precaution but I would expect all medical institutes to take this pandemic more seriously than most institutes have. Medical institutes are dealing with people in a 'weakened state' and its not fair for them to risk getting sicker because of lack of protective measures being taken on the part of a medical institute and the people who work there. I'd include and pharmacies in my list as worthy of being called a medical institute considering pharmacies dispense medicine, medical equipment and are supposed to serve and protect those that require such products.. Yeah doctors who want me to keep calling them doctors need to protect people in their waiting rooms and reception areas from infecting one another..that's what I'd do if I was a doctor. Its in the Hippocratic oath to do so. Doctors are definitely supposed to prevent diseases..its one of their job requirements.
As a child a hospital saved my life as I had a horrible allergy/asthma attack which required hospitalization. I was very lucky in the doctors and nurses had the sense enough to mask around me and even construct a tent around my bed while I was in a weakened state so as to protect me. These precautions kept patients and visitors from breathing on me and giving me anything contagious like a silly cold. A silly cold might kill someone in a weakened state ... my doctors and nurses knew this in the 1970's even when no mutating viruses were circulating and no outstanding diseases were prevalent like they are now and have been since our covid pandemic began around 2020. So anyway I find it hard to believe many maskless doctors, maskless nurses , and especially their maskless receptionists and people in the waiting room don't do as much as was done for me back in the 70's when I was in a weakened state in the hospital. I am somewhat in shock that in the year 2024, given how levels of covid are showing up in wastewater proving to us all that covid is traveling around that all medical care facilities aren't doing more like airports did and continue to do when 9/11 hit. Think I mind airport people checking my baggage for bombs or knives at an airport?..I don't mind after those two buildings went down... think I'd mind masking up in a doctor's waiting room during a pandemic? Heck no, I don't mind masking under these conditions. I welcome Masking..Ive already got my mask on!
Currently I live in NC and currently according to CDC all 34 wastewater sites in NC are reporting very high covid levels. Covid is teeming here in NC.
Today I rode my bicycle in my mask and a jumpsuit past a college university and did a six mile round trip in my town and as far as I know I am the only one in a mask. It's all right there in the wastewater. Covid exists. I'm taking it seriously. Nobody at the local university has their thinking cap on much less their mask. Some people insist on learning the hard way. I saw a lot of college kids give me the looks when I rode by on my bicycle in a mask.. hopefully one or two of them will think about it and maybe even wear a Mask next time they get on that bus. Methinks, maybe the maskless people think of me as the little boy that cried wolf as I ride by on my bicycle in my mask while covid is the wolf.. who knows what transpires in the minds of the maskless, , I do know I'm no match for a wolf nor am I match for a mutating virus from which at any given moment a deadly variant could emerge... this could go any way.. the virus could fade away but it could get worse far worse than ever. I'm not taking any chances. I don't roll that dice. My health is valuable to me. I have my Mask and my own code of conduct and my own set of rules.. hopefully society or the general public will develop or become more in tune with what it needs insofar as being more conscientious and developing better 'customs' and practices that make sense during a pandemic to make things more safe for one another if they are deserving enough...lol.
Certainly we would ridicule some guy for leaning over and sniffing on a dead animal on the side of the road but we don't ridicule the maskless doctor or maskless person enough in my opinion for sniffing on one diseased person while breathing on another. That is precisely what is happening in my area because currently Covid levels are very high in all 34 wastewater sites in my state as I type this. People are infecting each other and my entire state is evidently the perfect grounds for breeding viruses amongst one another. The very high levels covid in the wastewater prove me right. That's proof that more needs to be done. Note I have never taken down my guard or my mask off regardless of viral activity levels in my area. There's no travel restrictions here and the reason the viral activity is high is because of the stuff that is coming out of people's faces. We know that much or rather we know that little about the matter.
It never ceases to amaze me how good people are with everything other than their own own bodies: people use filters in their cars(in fact a car won't run and its engine will be destroyed without the filters). Then many people use a filter for to keep their water clean and make it safe to drink..I see nothing wrong with breathing through a filter to simply protect my pink inwards from breathing in a microscopic entity that's already more than proved its capabilities of wreaking havoc and destroying more than enough lives to be comfortable with...
A mask a day keeps the doctor away,
The Masked Man