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Author Topic: This Masked Man’s Benefit/Benefit Factor Dummies Explanation  (Read 118 times)

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Masked Man

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This Masked Man’s Benefit/Benefit Factor Dummies Explanation
« on: September 09, 2024, 04:56:41 am »
Mask’s Benefit/Benefit Factor Dummies Explanation:

Here  how the Masked Man sees it for him as he weighs in on the glorious benefits of Masking:

Okay for this Masked Man, Undue Chronic Suffering in any form or kind is extremely unpleasant and undesirable… and since Disease can be painful then I consider disease to be  a state of Hell.
Let’s reduce this to certain terms:
Disease equals Hell.
While Mask equals no disease

1) If I go maskless there is a chance I could catch a disease (any disease) and let’s say there’s a ten percent chance I would catch a disease and be in a state of Hell, pain and gut wrenching misery for an undetermined  time or possibly chronically or even forever more.


2) While if I were  wearing a safety MASK  I will be slightly uncomfortable for a set amount of time ( not enough discomfort to really call it Hell  because I know I will be fine with it on a couple hours or more if needed) . I can be confident and assured in my Good Safety MASK  that I’m not going to breathe in a microscopic entity that’s going torture me for grueling hour after hour, day after day, with restless merciless nightmarish night
Waking up in cold chills and sweat maybe even the rest of my life with what starts out as a just a little tickle of the throat, blossoms into feeling like burning chalky embers in your throat making it hurt even as you swallow you are trying in vain not to cough it hurts so bad while something sits on your chest preventing you from ever really inhaling all the way like you feel you want to.

For me it is just easier than anything for me to  master my MASK and simply choose to feel uncomfortable for a little while each day rather than be maskless only to have to reluctantly live with the feeling I may have  exposed myself to something insidious and vicious such as a virus that could very well create long term repercussion and needless pain and suffering for me and others.  Why go through all that  Hell of simply wondering if I exposed myself and played "Covid Roulette" for nothing when I can just wear a MASK instead for awhile? The time it takes to put on the MASK and The discomfort of the MASK for me is nothing considering I can go to bed knowing when I rise I’m gonna rise healthy enough and I feel good enough to survive comfortably enough.

...There are many many wonderful benefits from masking far too numerous to mention for now in this post. Later Masked crusaders! use your masked powers wisely ...Masked powers activate: Impervious to diseases and illnesses untold!

Keep on Maskin'!,
The Masked Man
« Last Edit: September 12, 2024, 06:50:13 pm by Masked Man »
Masked Man

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