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Author Topic: Pro Mask Music Concerts for Maskers out there! Mask For Airborne Diseases & Stay In Play it Safe From Your Home Concerts  (Read 1176 times)

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Masked Man

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I’m so sick of my favorite rock stars being irresponsible and having giant gatherings during a covid pandemic.Its disgraceful to see them host superspreader events. Its pathetic to see your favorite old rock stars come down with covid as well. We have actually lost a lot of great musicians to covid. Many have died from covid despite all the shots and latest remedies.  Why don’t they just stay home and rechannel  their creativity online for us? .. why don’t they share their music online? I love music so I’ll play for all of you my electric guitar in a mask online!!

Here’s a  pro mask music concert for you maskers!:

P.s. underneath bandanna is my mask/ respirator and it has a valve to freely exhale from for prolonged use and appropriate cartridges to filter out covid
« Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 12:25:14 am by Masked Man »
Masked Man

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Seriously, why would any rock star want to play for a football stadium full of idiots during a covid pandemic? ..I'd be ashamed to host a super spreader..It actually seems immoral to me to host a gathering nowadays. With today's technology why go anywhere!? it's so nice to dress up and not go anywhere! I love playing from my room compared to from anywhere else! I'm not all sweaty I don't have to unload the car or anything..nothing beats a homemade concert! I'd just sit at home play some real guitar..maybe I'd learn some classical guitar and share that online if I had any talent or brains as a musician like this:
P.S. The one thing Ive never rich people..if You've got a million dollars in the bank and you're a rock star, an actor or a politician and you don't treat yourself to the best mask money can buy and stay at home to protect yourselves from covid... now that's just plain stupid especially after four and a half years of a mutating disease going around and around. Just try to be creative online, do as much as possible online and keep your cooties to yourselves..why risk it!?

« Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 02:15:02 am by Masked Man »
Masked Man

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Re: Here’s a Couple Pro Mask Music Concerts just for the Maskers out there!
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2024, 01:05:14 am »
With today's technology why go anywhere!? it's so nice to dress up and not go anywhere! I love playing from my room compared to from anywhere else! I'm not all sweaty I don't have to unload the car or anything..nothing beats a homemade concert!

And what better timing because  on Oct. 31,2024 H5N1 bird flu has been found in at least a couple  pigs in Oregon, USDA reports Pigs can be infected with many types of flu, and pigs can play a role in making bird viruses better adapted to humans...
That's why Masked man stays at home to jam out for you!

Maybe my video will Inspire Farm Hands & Veternarians To Wear Masks!

This video is solely intended for the purpose of inspiring the maskers and for entertainment purposes only for the sake of the masker. (Under my bandanna dust cover, I use a respirator type mask with cartridges that are designed works against covid)

If you are going to mask up then now is the time for people who work with animals to mask..If you are going to mask up then..MASK UP NOW FARMERS and VETERNARIANS! Wear the goggles too because of eye conjunctivitis that goes along with the bird flu... those animals flap and snort and shed... I'm masking for the Big Bird Flue Blues as seen in this video. Here's my Big Bird Flu Blues In Eflat On My Super Fat Strat To Inspire Farm Hands & Veternarians To Wear Masks video:
« Last Edit: November 13, 2024, 05:00:48 pm by Masked Man »
Masked Man
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I don't drink or do drugs .. I don't eat out or go anywhere in public and yet I think of myself as an active performing musician. I mask when I go outside my door and I just think people with public personas like rock stars and actors and even politicians are crazy and actually wrong for going to and stirring up crowds risking diseases and not just trying harder to be creative or work remotely from home ... what some call 'isolation' I call a sweet solo! I love being alone and really I'm not alone because I still share the heart of music online and get a little thrill someone out there is enjoying my music. For me I don't need a crowded audience to applause me and tell me I'm great...For me I get a kick and a thrill out of simply getting  my music online just hitting that send button knowing somebody out there loves the song or music I enjoyed creating... When I play music in my room in front of that camera its just as much fun as anything! here I am singing from home for you pandemic savvy people who are also holed up in the safety of your home sweet homes. I have a good time in the safety of my own little private bedroom studio so just to show you how much fun it is to stay at home not get sick and be creative here is me having a great old time being an entertainer for you in the safety of my own home!..

C'mon Baby Let the good time roll! Home Concert for Data Report Forum members only  LINK:

Keep on Rocking Data Report Info Members!! :)

P.S. I hope these videos inspire people to stay at home more and be safe for a good time! If you think you have cabin fever, think again, you might just need to do something fun or creative and still stay safe in your home sweet home!

« Last Edit: December 20, 2024, 12:27:26 pm by Masked Man »
Masked Man

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It being close to Christmas and holiday super-flu season, I'd like to take this opportunity to remind or enlighten readers as how to how enriching and rewarding spiritually and intellectually it can prove to just stay home for the holidays. With todays technology one can stay at home and sing songs like me or learn to paint from free online course.. there are so many things to learn and experience in the safe environment of your own home! I encourage people to stay at home and enjoy their lives this holiday!

Let's sing one together!

Let's sing Frosty the Snowman from the safety of our homes online together...Frosty The Snowman LINK:

Best Wishes And Merry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho! :)
The Masked Man!

« Last Edit: December 21, 2024, 01:10:49 am by Masked Man »
Masked Man

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Happy New year everybody! Happy New Years Data Report Info Members!!!
I'm partying by myself as usual in the safety of my own home not going out anywhere and loving staying at home! Here's me rocking out for you with my electric guitars tonight on new years eve!

"Three Stay At Home New Years Eve Electric Guitar Performances For You" LINKS:

Be safe ye pandemic savvy comrades! Stay at home and rock out in the safety of your homes! Keep on Rocking' brothers and sisters and  Happy New Years Data Report Info Members!!!

« Last Edit: December 31, 2024, 11:40:28 pm by Masked Man »
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Classical guitarist Ricardus 'The Great' who is 54 years old hasn't tested positive for anything on this snowy wintery Saturday night, Jan 12th 2025.
He's wears a mask outdoors in his own yard and avoids people like the plague. All of his classical guitar tour dates have been postponed definetly because he'd rather not get an "illness" like all the musicians out there in public.

Source of information.
1. The Masked Man

Enjoy Listening to Ricardus 'The Great'  Pandemic Savvy Stay at home genius TWO CLASSICAL GUITAR MINI CONCERTS LINKS:

Best Wishes To Data Report and company,
Ricardus 'the Great'

« Last Edit: January 12, 2025, 04:11:59 am by Masked Man »
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Rockin' Richie who is 54 years old appears to have no illnesses and be blessed with abundant health and good looks , Jan 12th 2025.

He's wears a mask when he exits his backdoor and leaves it on until he goes back inside to the privacy of his home/den.

All of his Rockin' Richie's tour dates have been postponed definitely because he's in good enough health and would like to keep it that way. Rockin' Richie chooses not to get sick from the maskless gatherings that would bore him to death anyway to attend.

Source of information.
1. The Masked Man

Rockin' Richie sings a few from the safety of his own bedroom with his electric guitar for all you Data Report Info forum pandemic savvy fans out there!

Rockin' Richie sings Corrina Corrina, When You Got The Slow Blues In F, & Alberta THREE LINKs:

Keep on Rockin' and keep on Maskin' Data Report Forum Members and guests!,

Rockin' Richie!

« Last Edit: January 13, 2025, 01:36:51 am by Masked Man »
Masked Man
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Here's my Martin Luther King day electric guitar performance for Data Report Info members.

The guitar you see is somewhat of a product of the pandemic in the sense that I ordered everything by internet. I ordered a super wide neck then I ordered the electric guitar body separately and I shaved and fit and put the neck on the guitar myself all without leaving the safety of my home. I call the guitar my Super Fat Strat (because of the super custom wide neck I put on) ! 

Here's my Martin Luther King Day Electric guitar performance from the safety of my own little bedroom studio with my dog Scamp called Blues Shuffle In E on my Super Fat Strat

Ohh here's another one for ya I just did tonight! Blues in G on a sweet semi-hollowbody telecaster. Just put some super lightweight  strings on this baby...I love playing guitar! I'm living the dream!
Blues in G On semi-hollowbody Blue Telecaster

Wishing you a meaningful Martin Luther King Jr. Day as we honor his legacy of equality and justice for all.

Keep On Rocking Data Report Info Forum members!! :)

P.S As Ive stated before I'm serious Masker when I go outside my home. I don't go anywhere in public and yet I think of myself as an active performing musician. I mask when I go outside my door and I just think rock stars should stay at home and build guitars like me I think people should try to stay at home perfecting the spot they are in  and not  stir up crowds risking diseases and just trying harder to be creative or work remotely from home ...

For me I get a kick and a thrill out of simply getting  my music online just hitting that send button knowing somebody out there loves the song or music I enjoyed.

Thanks for letting me celebrate Martin Luther King Day in my own musical way! As usual I hope my little videos inspire people that they can do fun things from inside their homes... home sweet home!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2025, 04:26:10 am by Masked Man »
Masked Man

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Today is kind of crappy day for a lot of people..It's freezing outside, Washington has lost its marbles not having ties with The WHO currently, lot of sports players sick with mysterious illnesses, bird flu is all over here and there is not enough people masking and taking precautions for my tastes. What better time than for a stay at home blues performance for my friends here at the Data Report Info Forum!

I'll play some slow electric guitar blues for you pandemic savvy people here at Data Report Info forum who hopefully are also staying safe holed up in the safety of your homes.  I'll jam for you from the safety of my own little private bedroom studio It does feel good to  play for you!

Hopefully some of my electric guitar blues will suit your mood whatever that may be.
Super Slow Blues Jam in C on my Super Fat Strat LINK:
Super Slow Blues Jam in G on my Super Fat Strat LINK:

"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all". When things get rough that just makes some of us even more determined continue to voice our concerns, we tell it like it is, and stay true to our calling!

Remember all we have to do is be true to ourselves  and make connection in small safe ways, to one or two lives to have made a good change or difference in this mighty world.

Hang in there, stay creative, and be safe my friends,
The Masked Man!
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 01:13:28 pm by Masked Man »
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All the Data Report Info Forum members are running on all eight cylinders today and tonight doing a great job of keeping us up to date and informed. It means a lot to me that the group here is contributing such valuable news and studies every hour and every minute.. It feels good somebody cares because quite frankly its some powerful stuff going on that all these good members are keeping on top of and making it easy for me to study, ponder, and make important lifestyle decisions based on what I read.

Its awesome what every member of this forum is contributing!
I feel like everybody here is making history and these news stories and studies are so important its just an honor to be here studying and experiencing the present human and animal condition.

With that in mind I feel good and thank everybody here. I'll try to thank the Data Report Info forum members with my amateur music performances from the Safety of my own home to encourage people including other performing artists to get creative and  perform what they love to do in life from the safety of their own homes.

Good work Data Report Info forum members!

The only way I know how to thank you is to try to play my electric guitar for you! Here's some  Rockabilly and a couple of Jazzy numbers for ya that hopefully will keep you happy grooving and rocking to the music!

Rockabilly In E Electric Guitar for Data Report Info Forum Members

Jazzy Rhythm Changes In C Electric Guitar for Data Report Info Forum Members

Jazzy Rhythm Changes Electric Guitar In Bflat for Data Report Info Forum Members

Thank you for all you do,
The Masked Man

« Last Edit: January 24, 2025, 03:10:44 am by Masked Man »
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We'll its the weekend,
Now I'm gonna try to rock out for you intelligent pandemic savvy people out there. If you like to stay out of the rat race, stay away from jive turkeys and simply stay at home and do nothing on the weekends then I feel the same.

If you can stay at home do something intelligent or creative for fun this weekend from the safety of your own home then that is wonderful or if you are like me do absolutely nothing at all and enjoy it.

I like giving out free rock performances in my slippers from my bedroom because I hate going anywhere, I hate  crowds, I hate ticket stubs and and I hate all the microscopic entities called germs that go along with mobs of unruly maskless people...

Click here for free safe rock performances...

Dirty Rock Blues In E On My SuperFat Strat LINK:


Jamming Blues In E On My SuperFat Strat LINK:


Jamming Blues Shuffle In C On Semi-Hollow Body Telecaster LINK:

Have a great Rockin' weekend Data Report Forum Info Members and be safe!

The Masked Man

« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 10:30:36 pm by Masked Man »
Masked Man

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Now its time for some more pandemic blues... know you got the blues when you start wondering if these diseases will hurry up and and teach the maskless a hard lesson

Have a great week and try to stay at home and stay away from the walking powder-kegs because there's a lot of viruses cloaked in darkness you can't see that are on the prowl right now.

"Stay at home so ya don't get Sick Jamming 12 bars blue In C"

"Stay at home so ya don't get Sick Jamming12Bars In A

They are Asking for it,
While I am Masking for it,

The Masked Blues Man
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 10:10:59 pm by Masked Man »
Masked Man

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Now it's time for a Masked Benefit concert for musicians who don't get to play because they are too sick. You can watch me instead play electric guitar in my mask for free...

..what can I say, the mask has its benefits such as I am well enough to play for you all here at Data Report Info Forum!

So ladies and germs without further ado, here's my masked benefit electric guitar concert online from the safety of my own home..

So far so good and thank goodness I haven't made it into the "LIST OF PERFORMERS SICK IN 2025 by Data Report" section!  :)

Jamming For My Dog In The Key Of C in Protest against Maskless Healthcare People While Playing My Super Fat Strat


Jamming In My Mask Benefit Protest Maskless Sitting Ducks For Bird Flu While Playing My Super Fat Strat

Best Wishes to all my masked fans!
The Masked Man

I wear a mask I never go out outside without my mask on so I never get sick and am able to play guitar all the time and never let my fans down
« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 10:54:34 pm by Masked Man »
Masked Man

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I have an uncle named Dave and right after I recorded a couple of my masked guitar performances, my dad just emailed  me:

"Your uncle Dave came down with some serious health problems a couple of months ago. I think it's called "walking pneumonia",  and then there were some lung problems, maybe cancer. He's been on life support for the last couple of days. He's gone downhill pretty fast now, and they're going to take him off of life support tomorrow.

I wanted to let you know.


Masked Man thinks Its a shame but what can we do? I celebrate my uncle Daves Life the best I can and share my music with those I feel close.. those that will mask for me...

Since I, Masked Man am healthy I will do yet another Masked Man electric guitar performance a couple of free and wild hard rock guitar performances with a message to MASK UP in public and outside in honor of our family and those who have recently passed away due to illness!

Keep On Maskin' and Keep on Rockin' Data Report Info forum members and masked fans out there! These tunes are in honor of my "uncle Dave"!

..It might seem unorthodox and crazy to some but I stay busy play music in honor of my uncle Dave's life and that is how I deal with grief ..then I think about all the time I got to spend with uncle Dave and am grateful.

Let's rock:

"Masked Man's Rock Blues In E For all you Maskers out there"

Masked Man's Slow Funk In G For all you Maskers Out there"


And we better do slow blues number from the safety of my home...
Jamming On The Slow Blues In G On Semi-HollowBody Telecaster

Stay Safe Masked Crusaders,
There but for the grace of the mask go I,
The Masked Man

« Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 02:53:40 am by Masked Man »
Masked Man