In looking at all the comments with suggestions for how to prevent infection that were added to Data Report's video on needing to visit the dentist -- and in the wake of the CDC's clear "We're out, good luck!" signaling yesterday -- I was thinking perhaps it might be helpful at some point to have a thread where folks can share what is working for them when it comes to preventing infection. Ie, for things like nasal sprays, mouthwashes, nasal rinses, and the like, posters could share which they use, any up- and down-sides, if they have a trusted source for purchasing, any deals or discounts running, etc. This would work for masks/respirators, too -- brands, styles and fit tips, vetted sourcing, fit-testing, discount codes or sales, and so forth.
As more people tune out and fewer take precautions, those of us who care are all going to need to up our games when it comes to the quantity and quality of our Swiss cheese layers, and we may be able to help point each other in the right direction when it comes to filling in the gaps.
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