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Author Topic: US - California - Child recovering from HPAI  (Read 221 times)

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US - California - Child recovering from HPAI
« on: November 19, 2024, 03:31:52 pm »
SUMMARY - A child in the state of California is recovering from an infection of HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza). The source of the infection is unknown and no other family members of the child seem to have been affected. People who were in close contact with the child have been notified. This is the first case in California not to be associated with the dairy industry.


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Masked Man

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Re: US - California - Child recovering from HPAI
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2024, 07:01:08 pm »
…In the article it is mentioned that human-to-human spread of bird flu has been documented fifteen years ago… so I gather from this that human to human spread of bird flu has happened in the past.

According to this news It’s appearing more and more like human to human transmission of bird flu is likely to occur if not already occurring. Unless the child has contact with other creatures from playing in a sandbox or from pets… it’s definitely speculation as to how the child could have gotten the virus.. who knows .. could be human to human in daycare as kids play together pretty close .. we shall see if more cases continue.

As usual what we know about this is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean. It’s disappointing to not even know exactly why this child is sick. And It’s  terrifying that this child is sick. This could be our child and this could be us next.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2024, 09:58:01 pm by Masked Man »
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Re: US - California - Child recovering from HPAI
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2024, 02:25:46 pm »
We can not be certain that what this child experienced was human-to-human transmission.

Regardless of how this child contracted HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza), the facts remain:

** Our surveillance on livestock contamination from HPAI remains limited.
** Our knowledge of the severity of that same livestock contamination remains limited.
** We are observing more incidents of humans contracting HPAI.

A caveat: Observing more incidents of a condition does not correlate with an increase in the number of those conditions. Put simply, if you are not looking for a condition, you tend not to find it. Once you are looking for a condition, you are more apt to find it everywhere. Examples include autism (which was historically dismissed as someone being "simple") & Alzheimer's (again, historically dismissed as someone simply "getting old"), which were both traditionally dismissed as other conditions until the scientific and medical community addressed them as such.

** The conditions that we are observing in humans may be "mild" but they are noticeable.
** HPAI is well-known in birds and at least one instance in pigs (which would potentially allow the condition to be more easily transmissible to humans).

With these and other facts, we must be cognizant that HPAI is a growing threat to humans. The amount of the increase in that threat may be debated but the increase itself should not be debated.

Add to this situation that Covid-19 continues to evolve (as of this writing, XEC is on the rise but has not become the dominant strain in the US) and our population faces significant challenges. A majority of Americans are neither masking nor getting vaccinated for the latest strains.

While I hope that these challenges do not rise to what occurred in 2020, we can't guarantee that. It is up to us, those who are Covid Cautious, to protect ourselves from future hardships as best as we can. What I am suggesting is not "doom-saying" but merely a logical extension of the facts as they are presented. 
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Masked Man

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Re: US - California - Child recovering from HPAI
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2024, 02:49:15 pm »
Very well said! One can't help but admire what I consider are your sincere scientific observations  that 'tell it like it is'. What you say is substantial and full of reason. You are making noteworthy points based on observation of real occurrences that all of us concerned should take heed and live accordingly to such insights the best we can!

There but for the grace of the mask go I,
The Masked Man

« Last Edit: November 20, 2024, 11:10:28 pm by Masked Man »
Masked Man
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