Practical application: This is why I wear mask and gloves when opening goods that I regularly receive from Ups, Fed Ex, and regular postal clerk mail.
My delivery people don't wear masks or gloves and these workers are often tired and either bear hugging the boxes naturally sweating and breathing on the boxes or balancing the boxes on their shoulder next to their faces before leaving them on my front porch.
I simply feel more comfortable in my mask and gloves opening up the items outside my back door in the open air, I discard the cardboard and packaging material from outside my house first before bringing the items inside my house.
I lightly spray the boxes of the goods with a light amount Clorox mixed with water from a spray bottle. (My mask protects me from my disinfectant spray as well as covid from the cardboard and other surfaces) before bringing into a special separate corridor Ive designated for items to air out for a few days.
I'm certainly not gonna lug in two fifty pound bags of flour or something else in a giant box from some trucker with no safety mask or gloves and just plop the big cardboard box of supplies that will last me several months onto my nice clean kitchen floor... that would be nasty.. I do all that outside in my mask and gloves...I take the time to discard the dirty boxes ..I keep things real clean..clean enough to eat off of! I store the unboxed items in a pantry area only after their package/wrappers are clean. That's the way I wanna be fed. I prefer to eat from a clean food source.
That's my style and my preference having been part owner of a successful home bakery I see nothing wrong with cleaning off the food wrappers and discarding the wrappers outside before bringing into my house any bulk food items or any items for that matter which came from off a truck and warehouse. I prefer a clean food source as well as to lessen my chances of catching any disease and giving it to an immunocompromised loved one.
To me the whole cleaning process in my mask and gloves is ideal as compared to all the time and trouble driving and going into a store..I save tons of money buying in bulk and save tons of time having stored bulk amount of food and I eat healthier because of all this .. I much prefer receiving my bulk goods out front and then fetching them with no one around bringing the shipments around back in my wheelbarrow to clean in privacy by myself; safe, while I listen to music through earphones. Ive been doing this since the pandemic began and have grown to enjoy it and I haven't caught covid in four and a half almost five years now because of my safety mask, gloves and disinfectant.