Metro Richmond Zoo reports positive bird flu cases, says public risk is low.
Source of information
This old Masked Man's view on facts and opinions,
News states the facts and opinions for example:
FACT: "Metro Richmond Zoo reports positive bird flu cases"
OPINION: "the public risk is low"
... here's some more FACTS:
"Infected birds can shed avian influenza A viruses in their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. Susceptible birds become infected when they have contact with the virus as it is shed by infected birds. They also can become infected through contact with surfaces that are contaminated with virus from infected birds".
(This means it spreads bird to bird and to surfaces as well)
"The spread of the H5N1 virus within and among herds indicates that bovine-to-bovine spread occurs. Overall, animal movement is a recognized risk for disease transmission. Evidence also indicates that the virus can spread from dairy cattle premises to nearby poultry facilities". (This means cows give it to cows also from surfaces and from poultry as well)
FACT: This bird flu is happening with scores of different species besides just poultry and cattle all over the world
Masked Man News...
FACT: "So basically bird flu is spreading to and fro from other species and from within and betwixt those species as well (making me wonder why wouldn't it spread human to human?")
OPINION: "The public Risk is HIGH!"
Take care,
The mask is the lesser of the two evils,
The Masked Man
P.S. just a side note another genuine issue is that people give viruses to animals even more than animals give people viruses such as tourists and children can give animals viruses such as covid and exchange viruses amongst several species as of date. I'd be afraid of the petting area to be honest Id be afraid to not mask for the animals sake:
"Children's Petting Area
Meet, greet, and feed the zoo’s barnyard animals: goats, camels, sheep, llamas, chickens! Purchase zoo treats to participate in this animal feeding area. Young children and people of all ages love interacting with these friendly, domesticated friends".
...FACT: If you don't think people give an entire herd or flock of animals covid think again. It's well documented people are giving flocks and herds of animal covid and other illnesses.
Currently The Richmond zoo shows nothing but photos of maskless tourists and children interacting with animals such as feeding and touching animals snouts and membranes...This is not healthy or normal interaction for animals to be constantly touched by children or tourists..that's not normal for these animals to be surrounded by human touch behavior and antics. (I had a friend with a small Zoo and he forbid people to touch or intervene in the lives of any of his animals) OPINION:This is a video of animal exploitation.. this is not necessary for animals to be healthy and happy to have tourists, children strangers and cameras in their snouts and poking fingers in animals faces all the time to get a reaction in their territory..each of us are entitled to our opinion but circuses were shut down because of this.Not only are birds in a pandemic of their own called bird flu, cats and bovine animals are at risk for bird flu too as well as covid..none of these scenes in this video are natural, healthy, or beneficial or fair for the animal's sake..animals are not toys : are my opinions on the matter.I have religious views and beliefs that animals shouldn't be subject to maskless spectators, tourists, children and that animals have certain rights to space and privacy and natural settings. I believe these animals are being endangered by their handlers insofar as they are not being fully protected from covid nor is it healthy to have countless fingers feeding animals all for a camera shot and a Kodak moment by a bunch of maskless spectators. FACT: Little kids put their fingers in their own noses and mouths and its just ridiculous no hand sanitizers, gloves , masks , goggles or responsible animal husbandry is going on in these zoo photo and video shots when we've got an animal pandemic called bird flu and covid going on throughout all over the world all sorts of flocks and herds of animals and on farms too ...yeah the public should be concerned, alright!. The public should be ashamed of themselves over at the petting zoo!
These diseases are spread by saliva..
Hey Zoo handler,
tell the tourists, children , and your customers to keep their dirty fingers off the giraffe tongue for the sake of hygiene! Diseases have been known to be spread by saliva and dirty fingers and surfaces! Duh! Animals lovers and Zoo people know that zoos have some of the last of our endangered species in their care it would be advisable to update yourselves with the latest findings and research about 'zoonotic' diseases that are current and up to date. Please research the latest challenges and concerns the poultry and dairy farmer are facing with bird flu and research how many animals from zoos are getting sick with bird flu and learn to protect these magnificent creatures from the latest zoonotic diseases. look up the word zoonosis and learn more about bird flu.